The new decors of the Symbol range by Ninz make bathroom doors much funnier and more sophisticated thanks to a series of graphic and design solutions that renew the classic toilette signs. The NDD - Ninz Digital Décor system's decors can be applied on metal doors, both fire and multi-purpose ones. They are directly painted on the door by means of thermal-set epoxy-polystyrene powders. Decors are printed on the flat door's surface with special jets, and then protected with transparent lacquer.
The accident-prevention handle with steel core and the hinges (a self-supporting one and one with spring for self-closing) are standard accessories. In addition to them, the company offers a wide range of optional accessories such as the innovative Exus panic bars. Security and personalization are therefore the key words of this company, which has been the major Italian producer of fire doors for years. Besides, it is also the leader on both domestic and international market.